Korean Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology

Table. 3.

Table. 3.

Hemostatic changes with aging

Change Estimated magnitude per decade
Fibrinogen (FI) 0.8-1 g/L
FV 5-10%
FVIII 5-10%
FX (↑)-↑ 0-5%
FXIII (↑)-↑ 0-5%
vWF 10-15%
Protein C/S NA
Antithrombin ↑ (women)/↓ (men) +10% (women)/−10% (men)
Markers of thrombin generation
D-dimer ↑↑ 10-20%
Platelet count Unchanged -
Aggregation to ADP or collagen NA

F, factor; vWF, von Willebrand factor; ADP, adenosin-di-phosphate; NA, not available.

Adapted from the article of Tschan and Bolliger. Current Anesthesiology Reports 2021;11:387-95 [24].

Korean J Clin Geri 2022;23:73-81 https://doi.org/10.15656/kjcg.2022.23.2.73
© 2022 Korean J Clin Geri