Korean Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology

Table. 4.

Table. 4.

Decision-making conflict by characteristics of respondents (N=200)

Decision-making conflict
Mean±SD F or t (P)
Gender Male 37.97±6.876 0.054 (0.957)
Female 37.92±6.853
Age (year) <75 38.75±7.285 2.375 (0.018)
≥75 36.34±5.596
Educational status 35.35±7.147 4.046 (0.008)
Middle school 38.23±5.933
High school 38.37±7.385
≥College 40.52±5.176
Marital status Unmarried 56±0 9.464 (0)
Married 38.64±6.536
Others (divorce, bereavement, etc.) 34.73±6.722
Religion Yes 37.1±6.558 −1.621 (0.107)
No 38.67±7.034
Type of cancer Lung and bronchi 38.11±7.363 0.722 (0.487)
Colon and rectum 37.2±6.066
Liver 38.62±7.11
Metastasis Yes 36.35±6.389 −1.971 (0.05)
No 38.51±6.935
Time after cancer diagnosis Less than 1 year 39.73±5.78 2.892 (0.058)
1 year-5 years 37.15±7.003
more than 5 years 39.55±6.595
Cancer stage stage I 39.92±7.072 3.306 (0.021)
stage II 37.92±5.595
stage III 36.48±7.426
stage IV 35.2±8.152
Cancer treatment Yes 38.19±6.545 1.158 (0.259)
No 35.86±8.951
Pain related to cancer No pain 40.07±6.156 4.167 (0.007)
Mild 37.2±6.4
Moderate 35.94±7.942
Severe 37.56±5.57
Decision-makers for cancer treatment Patient 39.85±5.529 11.168 (0)
Family 34.62±7.666
Doctor 38.58±5.733
Desire for life-sustaining treatment Yes 43±4.658 4.741 (0.01)
No 37.21±7.624
Not decided yet 38.23±5.02
Monthly income \1,000,000 less 36.9±7.09 2.31 (0.078)
\1,000,000-\3,000,000 less 37.34±7.583
\3,000,000-\5,000,000 less 38.34±5.982
More than \5,000,000 41±5.657
Korean J Geriatr Gerontol 2024;25:39-48 https://doi.org/10.15656/kjgg.2024.25.1.39
© 2024 Korean J Geriatr Gerontol